Archive | October, 2023

Two Word Tuesday, Review Key Points in Speak P4

31 Oct

Vocabulary – Two Word Tuesday!

Today we will look at our first two vocabulary words: Fracas and Lucid from our 9th Grade Vocabulary list.

End of Speak

Discuss read key points of Speak p4 p159, p180 communications, p187 pruning, p191 Prey-end

Turn Your Outline into a Task 3!

26 Oct

Today we will turn our outlines into a written Task 3 Essay.

Wednesday Wisdom

25 Oct

And the bad version is…

We will continue working on the Task 3 Outline.

We will also read the end of the 3rd Marking Period of Speak.

Vocab and For the Birds

24 Oct

Vocabulary – Two Word Tuesday!

Today we will look at our first two vocabulary words: Jocular and Monotonous from our 9th Grade Vocabulary list.

For the Birds Task 3 Outline

Watch for the birds and complete the outline.

Regents Task 3

23 Oct

Plot vs Theme

The Plot is the sequence of events that happen in a story.

The Theme is the lesson or the message we learn based on the result of those series of events that make up the Plot.

Freytag’s Pyramid – Plot Diagram

Here are today’s notes.


What is Theme?

Theme is the message or lesson or main ideas explored in a work of art (literature, movie, music, painting, etc.) THEMEssage.

Theme isn’t about specific characters, people, or events. It’s about the bigger messages about life we learn from the specific characters and events.

Regent Task 3

Here are the notes on how to write the Task 3 Essay for the New York State English Regents Exam.

Effective Lead; Wed Wisdom; Emailing

18 Oct

Great example of Effective Lead!

Effective Email Writing

We will talk about writing emails! Here are the notes.

Vocab and Narrators

17 Oct

Vocabulary – Two Word Tuesday!

Today we will look at our first two vocabulary words: Ambiguous and Miser from our 9th Grade Vocabulary list.

Narrator’s POV in Speak

Continue the Speak Narrator assignment on Google Classroom.

Speak Narrator

16 Oct

Read Speak 3rd Marking Period by Monday!

Narrator’s POV

Today we will discuss Narrator’s POV and work on the Speak Narrator assignment.

Speak; Characterization

12 Oct

Wednesday Thursday Wisdom

You can stand out or fit in but you can’t do both.

Characterization in Speak

Skill: Characterization: Characterization is how an author shows a character’s per.sonality. This is done by the character’s actions and the things the character says, as well as the author’s description of those characters.


Descriptions of that character (He is a kind and caring person)

The character’s actions (Tommy stole money from his mother, who is in extreme debt)

The character’s words (“I’d never leave you alone, even if it meant I’d be in trouble”)

Description is an example of Direct Characterization.  The narrator is Telling the reader what the character is like.

The character’s Actions and Words are examples of Indirect Characterization.  The narrator is Showing the reader what the character is like.

Use a S.T.E.A.L. Chart to Determine Characterization

Here are the notes on Characterization and STEAL.

Vocabulary; Labeling Skills

10 Oct

Who you are today is the result of what you did in the past. Who you are in the future will be the result of what you do today.

Vocabulary – Two Word Tuesday!

Today we will look at our first two vocabulary words: Ostentatious and Virtue from our 9th Grade Vocabulary list.

Labeling Your Skillz on Your Writing Pieces

In order to show me that you understand and know how to use your Skillz, create a comment on your document that identifies the skill and explains how you used it.

Name the skill and explain how you used it.


  • Sensory Imagery – I described the sound of the floor creaking.
  • Effective Lead – I opened in the middle of the action.
  • Organizing Ideas into Paragraph – This is a new paragraph because I started talking about a new topic.
  • Using Specific Details – Instead of “sneakers” I wrote “Air Jordans.”
  • Anecdote – This is a story to show how I’ve changed since I learned my motto.

Here’s a short video on creating comments on Google Docs.